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Liver with stew PDF Print E-mail


• 1 leg and a shoulder of lamb
• 1 sheep liver
• 50 gr. Almond
• 2 onions
• 2 tomatoes
• 1 green pepper
• 4 cloves garlic
• 2 eggs
• 1 l. white wine
• water
• extra virgin olive oil
• salt
• black pepper
• paprika

Season the lamb chops and put them to fry in a pan with a little oil.

Chop the onions, peppers and garlic and put a quick sear in a pan with a little oil. When the vegetables take color add the tomato, peeled and cut into small cubes. Add the browned meat and cover with white wine. Close the pot and let cook for 10-15 minutes.

Boil eggs in a saucepan with boiling water. Let it cook for 10 minutes. Peel and separate the yolk from the white.

Cut the liver into cubes and saute in a pan with a little oil. Put a bit of liver in the blender cup (the remainder added to the stew), almonds, egg yolks, a tablespoon of paprika and a splash of broth. Shred and add this mixture to the stew. Stir well and let it cook over low heat for 4-5 minutes.

Chop egg whites and mix with a little chopped parsley. Add to the stew at the last minute and serve.