Latest Offers - News
07 de January de 2014
There are no translations available. Carnicería Ramirás comienza este 2014 celebrando su "30 ANIVERSARIO".  Lo primero es agradecerle a todos...
Welcome to "www.carniceriaramiras.es"
21 de September de 2012
Welcome to
Aware of the changing needs and demands of our customers, we welcome you to our recent web. But the company's turnover goes far beyond, we are developing...
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All our meat is RAMIRES BUTCHER Guarantee, backed by our internal controls to comply with traceability, enabling them to enjoy in your home of Spain's most exclusive beef with confidence.

All animals, both beef and pork, sheep and goats, are inspected one by one, at different stages of the production chain (farm, slaughterhouse and cutting plant);