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07 de January de 2014
There are no translations available. Carnicería Ramirás comienza este 2014 celebrando su "30 ANIVERSARIO".  Lo primero es agradecerle a todos...
Welcome to "www.carniceriaramiras.es"
21 de September de 2012
Welcome to
Aware of the changing needs and demands of our customers, we welcome you to our recent web. But the company's turnover goes far beyond, we are developing...
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The best of the best, so you could define the wide range of products we offer; accessories that will delight and can turn an everyday meal into a feast of flavors.

Products exquisite and highly prized by the most discerning palates, are controlled and pampered by our staff, so you can taste them at their best.

We offer:
• Variety of cheeses selected, you will find the finest cheeses from pure, natural to the most fresh cheeses.
• Cod, a sleek white color and a great thickness.
• Variety of canned, emphasizing the belly of the Tuna in olive oil.
• sweet paprika quality natural gold.
• natural saffron.
• extra virgin olive oil.
• pata negra ham, Iberian ham 7 acorns.
